In the Media

July 27, 2023 Tony Walton beats out Green Party candidate with 3.3% of the vote in Scarborough-Guildwood by-election

“Tony Walton of Stop the New Sex-Ed Agenda was in fourth with just under 3.3 per cent of ballots cast.

Also on the ballot – and all registering under 1 per cent – were Tara McMahom of the Green Party, Paul Fromm of the CCP, Danielle Height of New Blue, and independent candidates Abu Alam, Kevin Clarke, Habiba Desai, Reginald Tull and John Turmel.”

December 23, 2019 Toronto Catholic school board trustee’s controversial gender comments spark polarized response at special meeting

“Controversial comments by a Toronto Catholic school trustee, in which he suggested “gender ideology” was “evil,” were the subject of a special board meeting Monday where some members of the public defended them as “flawless” and others called for them to be denounced.

…Queenie Yu, a member of the socially conservative group Parents as First Educators, noted that Del Grande was not making any personal attacks against individual groups, but was talking about an ideology.”

June 7, 2018  Queenie Yu on CityNews: 2018 Ontario Election Panel

CityNews QY Panel

June 3, 2018  ‘You’re probably not going to be voting for us’: Over two dozen fringe parties vie for attention in Ontario election

That’s exactly the aim of Queenie Yu’s Stop the New Sex-Ed Agenda party.

She ran as an independent in the 2016 Scarborough-Rouge River byelection and said her activism pushed then-leader Patrick Brown to clarify his stance on the sex-ed curriculum. She supported Progressive Conservative leadership candidate Tanya Granic Allen in that race, and said Granic Allen’s vocal opposition to the sex-ed curriculum forced all the candidates to take positions on it.

“Our goal isn’t to win a seat at Queen’s Park, but to send a message to those who are at Queen’s Park and to influence them,” Yu said.

May 28, 2018  Queenie Yu on CBC May 29, 2018 Bill 89: Wynne & Horwath’s Attack on Parental Rights

Dr. Jordan Peterson: “I don’t think the children’s best interest are being put forward by policies such as this. It’s a mistake and we are going to pay for it in a big way because we are moving very rapidly to a point where radical interventions like puberty blocking hormones for example and even surgical interventions are being implemented on young and younger people.”

August 10, 2017  Happening: Nearly a year after the sex-ed flip-flop, social conservatives divided on Ontario PCs

Anti-sex-ed activist Queenie Yu marked the anniversary of her role in the sex-ed drama with a protest
this week at PC MPP Lorne Coe’s office alongside social conservative groups Parents As First Educators (PAFE) and Campaign Life Coalition.

June 6, 2017  Child protection bill passes as social conservatives fear ‘overreach by the state’

Queenie Yu, a member of Ontario’s new Stop the New Sex Ed Agenda party, expressed concern over “eroded” parental authority, particularly in situations where trans young people might opt to use puberty-blocking medication or sex hormones hormone blockers in their teens or earlier.

June 5, 2017  Petition calls for repeal of ‘totalitarian’ bill allowing children to be taken from Christian homes

Dr. Jordan Peterson, a clinical psychologist and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, expressed similar concerns in an interview with Granic Allen and Queenie Yu, founder of the Stop the New Sex Ed Agenda Party.

April 18, 2017  Queenie Yu interviewed on Chinese language television about Bill 89, Fairchild TV,

April 13, 2017  Official rips critics of bill that allows gov’t to seize children from Christian homes

Tanya Granic Allen of PAFE, John Sikkema of ARPA, and Queenie Yu were among a number of pro-family groups and individuals requesting amendments to the bill at the April 6 justice committee’s public hearings on the legislation.

March 14, 2017  Liberal bill empowers gvmt to take kids from Ontario parents who don’t accept gender ideology: legal experts

PAFE’s Granic Allen is on a 17-city tour of Ontario with Queenie Yu, founder of the Stop the New Sex Ed Agenda Party, of info and action sessions on a number of threats to the family, including Bill 89.

Dec. 31, 2016   Scrawler’s Top 20 people of 2016

Queenie Yu or her principles can’t be bought. Strongly opposed to Wynne’s updated sex education curriculum, she kept fighting. But when the opposition Progressive Conservative Party sided with the Liberals, she started her own political party to run on family values issues.

Dec. 14, 2016   Barbara Kay: One gay man’s lonely fight against Ontario’s new law banning ‘mother’ and ‘father’

Because Oosterhoff is a socially conservative Christian, accusations of homophobia rained down on him. But there are like-minded others, such as Toronto activist Queenie Yu, who has voiced the hostility to Bill 28 from within parts of the Chinese community. “Chinese immigrants didn’t expect the Wynne government would outdo the communists and get rid of mothers entirely,” Yu said. She and Oosterhoff were hardly the only opponents of this bill.

Dec. 22, 2016  A so-con spin on classic Christmas poem
Parents As First Educators’ spokeswoman Tanya Granic Allen has put a social conservative spin on the classic holiday poem, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.

Dec. 21, 2016  Patrick Brown looks to ex-boss Stephen Harper as paragon of so-con control
As for those outside that “vast vast majority,” such as prominent so-con and anti-sex-ed crusader Queenie Yu, Brown may have burned a bridge. In September, Yu sparked the sex-ed letter snafu in which a letter bearing Brown’s signature promising to “scrap” the updated curriculum went out to voters in the Scarborough-Rouge River byelection, which Brown later called a mistake. Yu recently told QP Briefing that the PCs are losing so-con support with Brown at the helm.

Nov. 18, 2016  Equal parenting vote to test PC MPP to be Sam Oosterhoff
One group is calling Ooosterhoff to stand up against that socially progressive direction. Queenie Yu, an anti-sex-ed activist who endorsed Oosterhoff in the election, issued a press release to that effect on Friday morning.

“Now that Sam has won, I hope he won’t let Patrick Brown silence him,” said Yu, in the release. “Sam, if you are reading this – please vote against Bill 28! The parents of Ontario are counting on you to stand up for them!”

Nov. 12, 2016  Tories pinning hopes on 19-year-old to take Niagara byelection
“Please don’t let Patrick Brown silence you if you’re elected,” urged Queenie Yu, an independent candidate running against sex ed and Bill 28. Yu ran as an independent in the Scarborough Rouge River byelection Sept. 1 solely on the issue of repealing the sex-ed curriculum.

Nov. 10, 2016  NWG candidates have their say
Queenie Yu, leader of the Stop the New Sex Ed Agenda party, said she was running in the byelection not necessarily to become an MPP but to bring attention to the sex ed curriculum issue as well as Bill 28, which is designed to change the “Children’s Law Reform Act, the Vital Statistics Act and various other acts by removing the terms “mother” and “father”.

Yu answered almost every question – on issues from hydro rates to affordable housing – by referencing the two issues her party is focused on, and often praised Ontario PC candidate Sam Oosterhoff’s responses.

“I hope Sam is elected,” said Yu in her closing remarks before speaking directly to Oosterhoff urging him to oppose Bill 28 which she says is an attack on families and then urging voters to support him at the polls on Nov. 17.

Nov. 8, 2016  Niagara West-Glanbrook candidates tackle the issues
Yu, who spent most of the evening agreeing with whatever Oosterhoff said, also lambasted the sex-ed curriculum whenever she got the chance.

“Just because they reach a certain age doesn’t mean they’re ready to learn about certain subject matters,” she said.
She even managed to turn a question about how to lower electricity rates into a discussion about sex-education policy, saying the Liberals claim to make decisions based on evidence and science, and yet ignore evidence when it comes to reproduction.

Nov. 8, 2016  Tory and NDP candidates team up to trash Liberal candidate in Niagara West-Glanbrook byelection debate
“(Premier Kathleen) Wynne is not respecting the cultural differences,” said Yu, who said she is supporting Oosterhoff in the byelection. “Each child of Ontario is unique. Parents know their kids best.”
Yu said she is running in the byelection to get her message out about the sex education curriculum and opposition to Bill 28, which would eliminate the terms “mother” and “father” and replaced by “birth parent.”

Nov. 8, 2016  Niagara West-Glanbrook Tory MPP candidate avoids tough social conservative issues
In the Scarborough-River Rouge byelection in September, which the Tories won, a letter sent to Queenie Yu, an independent candidate, and who is a candidate in the Niagara West-Glanbrook byelection as the leader of the Against New Sex-Ed Agenda Party, stated if Brown won the 2018 provincial election he would scrap the curriculum.
Brown quickly disassociated himself from the letter and wrote an opinion piece in the Toronto Star where he supported the updated sex education curriculum.

Nov. 7, 2016  Anger over sex-ed studies reveals right-wing rift
“A lot of parties agree on some of the major topics. Everyone agrees that hydro bills are too high. I don’t need to get into that,” says Elizabeth de Viel Castel. “My whole point in running is to send a message to the Wynne government and the (Progressive Conservatives) that there are a lot of parents who are very unhappy with the new curriculum and they’re very unhappy that they’re not being listened to.”

Nov. 7, 2017  By-election candidates open up in Lincoln
Yu, who mostly discussed her opposition to the new provincial sex education curriculum, was the biggest surprise, revealing she supports Oosterhoff.

“I’m not looking to be elected here, I think Sam’s going to be elected,” she said.

And in later remarks, “I have a message for Sam. If you win, which I think you will, please don’t let (Ontario PC Leader) Patrick Brown silence you once you are elected.”

Nov. 7, 2016  Rookie PC candidate dodges questions about repealing sex-ed curriculum
“People who know Sam personally assure me that Sam is ‘our guy’ on the s/x-ed issue and that PAFE should support him,” wrote Parents As First Educators (PAFE) leader Tanya Granic Allen, in a recent email blast to supporters.

The group has endorsed Oosterhoff on that basis, she continued, but wants to know where he stands. PAFE is also running Queenie Yu as a single-issue anti-sex ed candidate, who has been encouraging Oosterhoff to speak out about his true beliefs on sex-ed.

Nov. 7, 2016  New Ontario sex-ed protest party puts two candidates in November 17 by-elections
“This is not an alternative party, it’s a protest party,” Granic-Allen told LifeSiteNews. “We want to make it very clear that every vote coming to this party is in direct opposition to this disastrous sex ed.”

Nov. 5, 2016  Reevely: New anti-sex-education party aims to hit Patrick Brown where it hurts — in Ottawa-Vanier
“I am a Roman Catholic, but I don’t think you need to be a person of faith to see objectively that it sexualizes children at too young an age,” de Viel Castel says. “It introduces oral sex and anal intercourse at age 12.”

Nov. 4, 2016  Sex-ed opponents plan to split conservative vote in Ottawa-Vanier
While Yu said she hasn’t spoke with Oosterhoff, she said she has been assured by mutual friends that the 19-year old candidate shares her values.

“I’d vote for him if I lived in the riding,” she said, noting her goal for the anti-sex ed party isn’t necessarily to win seats but rather to keep the issue in the public eye.

Nov. 4, 2016  All candidates on the ticket for twin byelections
Nine candidates are officially vying for Tim Hudak’s former seat in the Tory bastion of Niagara West—Glanbrook, including a candidate from Ontario’s newest political party devoted solely to sending a message about Premier Kathleen Wynne’s updated sex-ed curriculum. That would be Queenie Yu (pictured above), the independent, single-issue, anti-sex-ed candidate who placed fourth in the Scarborough—Rouge River byelection in September. She’s now running for the aptly monikered Stop the New Sex Ed Agenda party, although she says she is also backing Progressive Conservative candidate Sam Oosterhoff, a 19-year-old Brock University student with social conservative leanings – even if she’s sparred with his boss, PC Leader Patrick Brown, over his evolving stance on the curriculum.

Nov. 4, 2016  New candidate enters Niagara West Glanbrook byelection race

Nov. 3, 2016  Niagara West-Glanbrook candidate wants to “expose” Tory leader Patrick Brown’s sex-education policy
Yu acknowledges that she wants Oosterhoff to win the byelection. But she also wants to provide “a voice” for people in the riding and “give them an alternative.”

“I don’t want to steal votes away from (Oosterhoff),” she said. “He seems like a good person and would do a good job if elected.”

Yu said she will not campaign in the riding.

Nov. 3, 2016  Anti-sex-ed activists form Ontario political party
The goal is not necessarily to win a seat, which is highly unlikely, but to send a message that opposition to the Liberal sex-ed curriculum is still alive, Yu said.

“Even though I’m not able to offer supporters a party that can form government, the point is that democracy isn’t just about winning seats in the legislature, it’s about being a voice for the public,” she said.

“When you look at the Green party, they’ve never won a seat but people vote for them because of what they stand for.”

Nov. 1, 2016  Ontario PC Leader Patrick Brown accused of muzzling candidate on sex ed
Yu said she and other social conservatives believe Brown is not letting Oosterhoff speak to the media, so she’s running “to help voters see whether Brown is telling the truth or not.”

“I’m just being a voice for the issues that Sam believes in,” said Yu. “I believe that Sam is against sex ed, but he’s not allowed to talk about sex ed because of Patrick Brown.”

Nov. 1, 2016  Queenie Yu’s byelection bid aims to rally PC candidate to the so-con cause
The anti-sex-ed activist filed nomination papers with Elections Ontario this week, but is telling voters to cast ballots for 19-year-old Brock University student and Progressive Conservative candidate Sam Oosterhoff, whom she charges is being gagged by party Leader Patrick Brown and isn’t free to voice his so-con leanings that he has trumpeted on social media.

Oct. 24, 2016  Social Conservatives Bolstered After 19-Year-Old Student Wins PC Nomination In Niagara WestGlanbrook
“I am so impressed, not only with Sam, but with the PC membership in that riding. In saying ‘yes’ to Sam Oosterhoff, they also said a big ‘NO’ to Patrick Brown and to Brown’s declaration that the PC Party is a ‘socially liberal’ party. I hope Sam wins the byelection next month,” Yu added in an email.